The following dancers must hand in their shoes, leotard / briefs, and tights by Nov. 24

Many Items are available at:

A Chorus Line Dancewear Store Amazon

23300 Cinema Dr #101

Valencia, CA 91355

(661) 253-0300

Shoes and Tights for CD 12 ~ company members check with your choreographer for what tights and shoes you will need.

Rapunzel ~ ballet pink tights with back seam, pink pointe shoes

Prince ~ black ballet shoes with white elastic

Mother Gothel ~ black ballet shoes and black tights

Rapunzel’s Mother ~ ballet pink tights with back seam, pink ballet shoes

Rapunzel’s Father ~ black ballet shoes and black tights

Sundrops ~ ballet pink tights with back seam, pink ballet shoes

Garden Greens ~ ballet pink tights with back seam, pink ballet shoes

Colors ~ ballet pink tights with back seam, pink ballet shoes

Villagers ~ ballet pink tights with back seam, pink ballet shoes

HAIR for all female dancers in Rapunzel is a high bun

Cinderella ~ ballet pink tights with back seam, pink pointe shoes ~ HAIR = High Bun

Cinderella’s Prince ~ white tights, white ballet shoes

Hair for dancers in Act 1 [all dances except Rapunzel and Cinderella Pas de Deux] is a low ponytail with a part.